Parasitic Wasps

Published In: Miscellaneous
Closeup of a parasitic wasp with Cook's Pest COntrol logo.

When we think of wasps, we often think of them in a negative light. We may imagine them invading our homes and stinging us or think of the painful reactions their stings may cause. Despite these negative associations, not all wasps are bothersome; some wasps known as parasitoid wasps are often beneficial, especially in pest […]

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#TechTuesday – POSTPONED

Published In: Miscellaneous
Cook's Pest Control

Bradley Digital 4-Rack Electric Smoker Giveaway – POSTPONED The following are terms, rules, and conditions for TechTuesday Giveaways that Cook’s Pest Control, Inc. (“Cook’s”), is conducting on Cook’s social media channels. These contests have not been endorsed or sanctioned by Facebook or any other social media outlet. Contests are being conducted in their entirety by […]

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Honey Bees in Winter

Published In: Miscellaneous
Snow-covered beehives in a row with the Cook's Pest Control logo in the foreground.

What happens to honey bees in the winter? During winter months, it’s too cold for them to be out flying, sipping on nectar, and packing pollen on their legs, so what are they doing? Have you ever wondered why honey bees make honey? They don’t make it so that we can steal it, sell it, […]

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Mosquitos in Winter

Published In: Miscellaneous
A close-up image of a mosquito feeding on human skin with a filled red abdomen, next to the Cook's Pest Control logo on a blue background.

What happens to those pesky mosquitoes in the winter? They hibernate, or overwinter, although it depends on the species how they overwinter. Some mosquitoes spend the winter months as adults, others as larvae or pupae, and others still as eggs. Overwintering is a type of dormancy, so any overwintering adult mosquitoes are not out biting […]

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Overwintering Pests

Published In: Miscellaneous
A brown stink bug on a white background with the Cook's Pest Control logo in the upper right corner

Kristen Stevens, BCE (Stink Bugs, Kudzu Bugs, and Lady Bugs) What Pests to Expect this Winter As winter approaches, we don’t often think of insects; we think more of holiday treats and cold weather eliminating our not-so-welcome house guests. However, that notion is false. Well, at least the part about pests – those holiday treats […]

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An Insect All-Star Team

Published In: Miscellaneous
A soccer ball with two insects on a grassy field with the Cook's Pest Control logo in the corner.

The coming of fall in the South can mean many things, but above all is football season. I hope that your favorite team is exceeding your expectations and is on track for making a bowl game. So, with football being such an integral aspect of southern living, I figured why not attempt to tie football […]

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Stinging Insect Safety

Published In: Miscellaneous
A close-up image of a wasp in profile with detailed yellow and black markings, positioned next to the Cook's Pest Control logo on a white background.

Many insects can cause us all manner of pain, ranging from annoying nuisance, to painful bites, stings, and irritations. Obviously, some insects have a worse or more potent effect on us than others. Some of the most potent effects insects can have on us, which can subsequently elicit a huge overreaction from our bodies, come […]

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Summer of the Millipede

Published In: Miscellaneous
A group of coiled millipedes on sandy soil, with the Cook's Pest Control logo in the upper left corner.

With the heat of summer (and the drought that comes with it) to soon be upon us, several pests will begin to seek moisture and shelter from the elements. One such pest that could begin plaguing your home will be the millipede. Millipedes (Class: Diplopoda) can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but […]

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