Pest Profile: Belostomadidae

Published In: Pest Profile
Close-up of Belostomadidae with Cook's Pest Control logo on the right.

The German Roach, or Waterbug Often times when people have German roach, they will say that they have “water bugs”. Admitting that you have roaches is distasteful, so this is a more palatable alternative. The belostomatid, I’m sure, would take offense to this because it is the actual “water bug.” As one of the largest […]

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Pest Profile: Norway Rat

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Rat on a white surface with the Cook's Pest Control logo to the right.

Thanks, Norway: The Norway Rat’s Range and Natural Resilience Norway rats are often referred to as the street or sewer rats. They are a large species of rat that is said to have first arrived in the Americas on ships in the 1700s. Today they can be found throughout the world. They are very agile […]

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Pest Profile: Japanese Beetles

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Beetle on a leaf with Cook's Pest Control logo on top left.

Although beautiful with bright green coloration, the Japanese beetle is a widespread and destructive pest of turf, landscape, and ornamental plants in the United States. It is also a pest of several fruits, garden and field crops, and a host of about 300 different species. They feed on foliage, flowers, and fruits. Their damage can […]

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Pest Profile: Social Wasp

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Group of wasps on a rock with Cook's Pest Control logo.

Pest Profile: Yellow Jackets (Vespula spp.) Having a Party? Invite the Social Wasp Yellowjackets are one of many wasps that we commonly encounter. They are in the family Vespidae and the Genus Vespula. Yellowjackets are predatory social wasps that can be identified by their distinctive markings, rapid side-to-side flight and landing patterns, their occurrence only in […]

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Pest Profile: Formosan Termite

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Close-up of termites on soil with Cook's Pest Control logo.

The Formosan termite Coptotermes formosanus is the most widely distributed and most economically important termite in the genus Coptotermes. A single Formosan colony may contain millions of termites that forage up to 300 feet in soil; this population size and foraging range pose a serious threat to structures. The Formosan Termite’s Unique Attributes This subterranean […]

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Pest Profile: Mole Crickets

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Mole cricket on white with Cook's Pest Control logo.

Have you ever been to a soccer field or other sports field during the evening and see swarms of large insects crawling around? There could be a number of critters out; however, oftentimes they are mole crickets. These crickets are fascinating and very different looking than what you would expect of a cricket, but unique […]

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Pest Profile – Luna Moth

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Luna moth in flight against a dark background with Cook's Pest Control logo.

The luna moth (Actias luna) is one of my favorite moths and arguably one of the most beautiful moths out there. This moth is so popular that it appeared on a U.S. postage stamp in 1987. The Luna moth was one of the first recorded moths from North America in its family Saturniidae. They get […]

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Pest Profile: Fungus Gnats

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Closeup shot of a fungus gnat on a flower with Cook's Pest Control Logo

The Tiny Fungus Gnat As colder weather approaches, some outdoor plants are now getting chilly and need to be brought inside. Although moving plants indoors is great for keeping them alive, this can bring in some unwanted house guests, specifically fungus gnats. The fungus gnat is a small fly that enjoys eating fungus and decaying […]

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Pest Profile: Silverfish

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Close up of a silverfish insect with Cook's Pest Control logo

Silverfish are in the order Zygentoma. This soft-bodied insect is a voracious feeder on items high in starch, glue, and cellulose. For example, they are common in libraries and museums where paper books and labels are abundant. However, they can also be found outdoors in cool shaded places, such as under leaf litter, under rocks, […]

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Pest Profile: Dragonflies

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Dragonfly perched on a branch with Cook's Pest Control logo and green background.

As the weather warms up, we start to see more insects – some are a nuisance, while others are beneficial. Among said insects, dragonflies are considered beneficial. Dragonflies are in the order Odonata, which translates to “the toothed one.” This is because they are predatory insects that feed on other insects. They are known for […]

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Pest Profile: Ensign Wasp

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Closeup portrait of an Ensign Wasp on a white background with Cook's Pest Control logo.

The ensign wasp is an example of a parasitoid wasp species. A parasite is defined as an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other’s expense. In the case of the ensign wasp, it is a parasite of the not-so-loveable household cockroaches, […]

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Pest Profile: Rainbow Scarabs

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Closeup of a scarab beetle perched on a piece of food with Cook's Pest Control logo.

Look Closer: The Rainbow Beetle’s Unappealing Habitat Although the rainbow scarab (Phanaeus vindex) has a colorful, attractive exterior, its habitat is… less than attractive. Commonly referred to as dung beetles, they can often be found rolling around in dung. Despite their affinity for excrement, they have an interesting history as objects of worship in Ancient […]

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Pest Profile: Cat Fleas

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Tabby cat scratching fleas behind the ear on white background with Cook's Pest Control logo.

Fleas (Order: Siphonaptera) are small, dark, wingless insects that are flattened from side to side. These insects are usually found buried in the hair, close to the skin of mammals. When infestations are large, adult fleas may be found in carpeting and around pet resting areas. Fleas have four life stages: egg, larva, pupa, and […]

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Pest Profile: Indianmeal Moth

Published In: Pest Profile
An Indian meal moth on a textured grey surface, with the blue and white logo of Cook's Pest Control in the corner.

The Indianmeal moth is commonly referred to as a stored product pest. This pest is in the insect order Lepidoptera. Like most other stored product pests, it is the larval immature stage that causes damage to food products. Their larva is often confused with pest beetle larvae that will do similar damage to stored food […]

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Pest Profile: Lovebugs

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A pair of lovebugs against a white background, alongside the blue and white logo of Cook's Pest Control.

Hearing the word “lovebug” may evoke the season of love and red hearts, but these critters don’t live up to their name. They are not exactly loveable, and many people find them detestable. The lovebug Plecia nearctica is a fly species that is particularly a nuisance to motorists when traveling through the southern United States. […]

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Pest Profile: Red Paper Wasp

Published In: Pest Profile
Red paper wasps tending to their nest with larvae visible in the cells, alongside the Cook's Pest Control logo on the lower right

Pest Profile: Red Paper Wasp (Polistes carolina)(Insecta: Hymenoptera: Vespidae) Kristen Stevens, BCE The Red Paper Wasp: Beneficial or Deadly? Paper wasps are in the family Vespidae. The red paper wasp Polistes carolina is distributed throughout the eastern and south central United States. It is an elongate, slender wasp that is usually brownish-red with yellow markings. […]

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Pest Profile: Birds

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A house sparrow perched on a branch with green leaves in the background and the Cook's Pest Control logo in the upper left corner.

Kristen Stevens, BCE We don’t often think of birds as pests, and, indeed, most of them are not. However, there are some birds that can pose public health and damage concerns in addition to being a nuisance. They carry all number of different food-borne illnesses such as salmonellosis, histoplasmosis, campylobacteriosis and some others. Some birds […]

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