Mythbusting: DIY Moth Balls

Published In: Mythbusting
Several white, spherical moth balls placed on a burlap fabric surface, with Cook's Pest Control logo in the corner.

Along with contact kill aerosols like Raid, mothballs are one of the most common pest control products bought and used by the general public. Unfortunately, that also makes them one of the most misused and misunderstood pest control products. As with any other chemical product, it must be used correctly to have any effect on […]

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Fire Ant DIY Treatments

Published In: Mythbusting
Fire ants carrying food with "Cook's Pest Control" logo.

An Imported Pest that Wreaks Havoc Red Imported Fire Ants have been an enormous pest problem. First introduced to Mobile, Alabama in the 1940’s, Fire Ants have rapidly spread throughout the southern United States. Their success in the U.S. can be attributed to both their large colony sizes and their aggressiveness in defending their territory […]

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